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Stora Hotellet Osby

This newly remodelled and furbished hotel has a gourmet restaurant and is located in Osby right next to the train station along the main railway line, where Road 23 and Road 15 intersect. The hotel is an ideal place to meet whether you are are travelling by train or car. The Ekstrand brothers, who each run a company in the door, window and gate installation business, took over the hotel in 2011 with the goal to create a personal quality hotel with a restaurant of high standard. The restaurant’s two chefs, Justus and Dennis, have come far in creating a well-known kitchen with flavors for everyone. Our team do everything they can to ensure that restaurant and hotel guests get the finest personal service. The hotel offers weekend packages and theme evenings and has its gourmet food club meeting 6 times a year. It also collaborates with Chaîne des Rotisseurs, Munskänkarna i Osby and Brio’s Lekoseum, a museum dedicated to Brio wooden toys.

Stora Hotellet Osby

This newly remodelled and furbished hotel has a gourmet restaurant and is located in Osby right next to the train station along the main railway line, where Road 23 and Road 15 intersect. The hotel is an ideal place to meet whether you are are travelling by train or car. The Ekstrand brothers, who each run a company in the door, window and gate installation business, took over the hotel in 2011 with the goal to create a personal quality hotel with a restaurant of high standard. The restaurant’s two chefs, Justus and Dennis, have come far in creating a well-known kitchen with flavors for everyone. Our team do everything they can to ensure that restaurant and hotel guests get the finest personal service. The hotel offers weekend packages and theme evenings and has its gourmet food club meeting 6 times a year. It also collaborates with Chaîne des Rotisseurs, Munskänkarna i Osby and Brio’s Lekoseum, a museum dedicated to Brio wooden toys.
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Bar - Café - Lounge
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Stora Hotellet Osby, Västra järnvägsgatan 17, Osby, 283 31, Suède
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Adresse: Stora Hotellet Osby, Västra järnvägsgatan 17, Osby, 283 31, Suède
Ville: ,
Code postal: 283 31
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